By | June 10, 2020
Created by Surendra

DC Generators Quiz in English Set 1

All Important Question Answers for Electrician Related Exams

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In D.C. generators the pole shoes are fastened to the pole core by

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In a commutator

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The bearings used to support the rotor shafts are generally

4 / 25

Lamination’s of core are generally made of

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Copper brushes in D.C. machine are used

6 / 25

The resistance of armature winding depends on

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In case of D.C. machines mechanical losses are primary function of

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The commutator segments are connected to the armature conductors by means of

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In a D.C. generator the magnetic neutral axis coincides with the geometrical neutral axis when

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Permeance is the reciprocal of

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In D.C. generators the cause of rapid brush wear may be

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Fleming’s right-hand rule regarding direction of induced e.m.f. correlates

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While applying Fleming’s right-hand rule to And the direction of induced e.m.f. the thumb points towards

14 / 25

For a D.C. generator when the number of poles and the number of armature conductors is fixed then which winding will give the higher e.m.f. ?

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In a D.C. generator the number of mechanical degrees and electrical degrees will be the same when

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In a four-pole D.C. machine

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The field coils of D.C. generator are usually made of

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Iron losses in a D.C. machine are independent of variations in

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In D.C. generators the polarity of the interpoles

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According to Fleming’s right-hand rule for finding the direction of induced e.m.f. when middle finger points in the direction of induced e.m.f. forefinger will point in the direction of

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In lap winding the number of brushes is always

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Which of the following could be lamina-proximately the thickness of lamination’s of a D.C. machine ?

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A separately excited generator as compared to a self-excited generator

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The armature of D.C. generator is laminated to

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The e.m.f. generated in a D.C. generator is directly proportional to

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