By | June 11, 2020
Created by Surendra

Electrician Cables Quiz in English Set 1

All Important Question Answers for Electrician Related Exams

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If a cable of homogeneous insulation has a maximum stress of 10 kV/mm then the dielectric strength of insulation should be

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In cables the charging current

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PVC stands for

4 / 20

Cables generally used beyond 66 kV are

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The insulating material should have

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The electrostatic stress in underground cables is

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If the insulation is replaced by one of relative permittivity 2 the capacitance of the cable will become

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Cables for 220 kV lines are invariably

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The intersheaths in the cables are used to

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The insulation of the cable decreases with

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If the length of a cable is doubled its capacitance

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Is a cable is to be designed for use on 1000 kV which insulation would you prefer ?

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In the cables sheaths are used to

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High tension cables are generally used up to

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Solid type cables are considered unreliable beyond 66 kV because

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The breakdown of insulation of the cable can be avoided economically by the use of

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The material for armouring on cable is usually

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If a power cable and a communication cable are to run parallel the minimum distance between the two to avoid interference should be

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The advantage of oil filled cables is

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Is a cable is to be designed for use on 1000 kV which insulation would you prefer ?

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